CNY 01
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Pictures from the year 2001 Chinese New Year.

Though it's now after "Chap Gor May", better late than never to share my photos !

Enjoy !!
Joo Beng.

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This year, we begin our photolog from the CNY eve dinner. It was nice and cozy at Kim's home, and had Kow Sum and Kow Chek over ! Kim also had a friend visiting from the US (Nicky), but Janet's Mom couldn't be there as she had to spend it in hospital :-( Since there were quite a few people, the kids had their own table outside with romantic candlelight (with our maids) !

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Well, the next day, we began with our rounds, starting with Mom and Dad's of course...when guess who but Kow Chek and Kow Sum dropped by with Ed, Doris, and Ping. As you can see, we had some obligatory poses, and tried to get as many combinations in as well :-)

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Off we went then to visit Xi Pek and Xi Em for a yummy lunch ! Xi Em has recovered well from her visit to the hospital, and we're sure glad that she's up and about, and able to prepare such a feast ! We had Kueh Paiti, curry chicken, and lots of New Year goodies...mmmm !

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And then we went to visit Sah Kor for a yummy lunch ! (Are you counting ?) Oooh...Sah Kor specially made liver balls (just for me?), ayam buah keluak, kiam chye soup....slurp. We also met Lani, Ed, Doris, Ping and Samantha, and Ming Fern and Terence there. Sah Kor too was just back from the hospital as she had to undergo some surgery.

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The next day, we went to visit some of Mom's relatives, and last but not least, paid a visit to Kow Chek and Kow Sum. Doesn't it look as though Kow Chek is trying to serve Cognac to minors ? :-)

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Well, that's it for this year, 3rd year in a row already. Hope you enjoyed looking at the photos and being able to feel a part of our CNY celebrations. Besides putting on all that weight from eating all the goodies, it was really fun seeing and visiting with everyone. Till next year...!


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