Koh Joo Beng's Home Page

To send me feedback or email - click here ! This page updated on 22 Aug 2019

Links in this page :

Family & Friends
My Links
Previous Events

Welcome to my Web !

This web was last updated on 01 Sep 2019.

I use this web  mainly to share life's many events with relatives and friends all over the world. The internet enables us all, no matter where in the world, or what time of day, to GET CONNECTED ! As long as any one of us feels a little closer because of this web, I'll be happy !! :-)

Enjoy !
Joo Beng

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If you're family or friend, do visit my family and friends page.

If you want to see what my hobbies are like, see my interests page.

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What's New

3 Apr 19 - After a long hiatus, have finally done some updates to the Family Network section. The family tree pages can now display the tree graphically. It's pretty impressive, so do check it out for yourself!

16 Apr 11 - Xi Pek passed away peacefully at 7pm tonight. Wake will be held tomorrow, Sunday 17 Apr after 3pm, and on Monday. Funeral will be on Tuesday 19 Apr.

10 Apr 11 - Announcing the arrival of Mark Khoo, at 3kg, to proud parents Ee Wen and Joanna. Both mother and baby are doing well!

30 Jan 11 - Lunch party for Lani, Angel, Brandon, Logan, and Jack at Food R Us in Singapore.

Lani 2011

17 Dec 10 - Celebrated Pak Sum's 50th wedding anniversary in Cambrai village, Perth. Do check out the photos in Picasa web

Perth 2010

16 Aug 10 - Created a video of our Easter Island Total Solar Eclipse and published it on Youtube


19 Jul 10 - Janet and I had yet another eclipse adventure, this time on exotic Easter Island. See more of our photos on Picasaweb!

20 Jun 10 - Janet and Joo Beng's birthday party was held at the American Club.   
JB and Janet's Birthday 2010

15 Jun 10 - Hooray! Astronomy Magazine published my eclipse photo in the June 2010 issue. 

24 Feb 10 - Updated the Koh tree with information courtesy of Barry Chia

5 Feb 10 - Announcing the arrival of Charlie, Andrea and Boon Kay's son!

15 Jan 10 - Janet and I experienced the Annular Eclipse from the beautiful Laikipia plateau in Kenya. See more of our photos on Picasaweb!

23 Nov 09 - Announcing the arrival of Ming Fern and Terence's 2nd son -  Daniel Tan We-ren !! 

1 Aug 08 - Watch our Solar Eclipse video below or here for the extended version.


17 Dec 08 - Cheng's final update on her journey with cancer. .

17 Aug 08 - Aaron and Christine have a new baby boy - Anson Koh. Born on 17 Aug, 3.72kg, 51cm. See his blog here.

15 Jun 08 - Chek Chim passed away this morning at 2am. 

12 Apr 08 - Cheng was in hospital battling cancer. Now on road to recovery.

3 Nov 07 - Mom's 80th Big Birthday dinner at Carlton Hotel. 

15 Sep 07 - Gee Tio passed away. Funeral was held on 17 Sep 07 

21 Jun 07 - Announcing the arrival of Matthew Khoo - Ee Wen and Joanna's baby boy 

4 Aug 06 - Announcing the arrival of Summer Ee Ping and Sam's baby girl !! 

14 Jul 06 - Janet and Joo Beng's Big Birthday Bash 

25 May 06 - Aunt Clara has passed away at 3.38am

?? Apr 05 - Announcing the arrival of Ming Fern and Terence's baby boy - Isaac Tan We-Lun!! 

16 Feb 06 - Published some photos from Chinese New Year 06 

25 Dec 05 - Announcing the arrivals of several new babies on the Koh side !! 

14 Jul 05 - Updated the database for the Koh Family Network. It now contains 472 names ! 

20 May 05 - Janet's Dad passed away on 12 May 05

20 Mar 05 - Dad passed away on 16 Mar 05

9 Nov 04 - Update from Jeannie regarding Lawrence.

?? Aug 04 - Moved into new home. House warming pictures

28 July 04 - My PC crashed on 14 July 04, so all updates on Dad's condition stopped. Only just brought it back online

8 July 04 - Published a narration from Uncle Sam (aka Gor Pek)

11 Jun 04 - Please pray for Dad. He suffered a massive stroke on 7 Jun 04. This page provides updates. 

25 May 04 - Published Lawrence's eulogy presented by Jeannie at his memorial service on 22 May 04.

14 May 04 - Announcing the arrival of Naomi Chin born on 8 May 04. 

22 Apr 04 - Sad news. Lawrence Koh was killed in a plane accident on 20 Apr 04. 

19 Apr 04 - Published page to log my trip to climb Mt. Kinabalu. 

6 Mar 04 - I've added a page on family music. If you're on the Koh side, you might want to check this out !. 

26 Jan 04 - Sah Kor passed away on 8 Jan 04, and Uncle John Bavier passed away on 5 Jan 04 

4 Dec 03 - I've created a new forum page for the Koh side of the family. Do try it out. 

30 Nov 03 - Kow Chek had his 70th birthday bash on 26 Nov 03 

30 Nov 03 - Xi Em passed away on 29 Oct 03  

30 Nov 03 - Violet Wong passed away on 9 Aug 03  

15 Apr 03 - Update on Sah Kor's condition  

5 Apr 03 - Added page for MSN addresses 

1 Apr 03 - Update on Sah Kor's condition  

25 Jan 03 - Janet's Mom passed away

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Previous Events Click here !